The Diaphragm needs love too!

The diaphragm is a muscle we often (or never) think about keeping strong. 🤔💪Just as other muscles  weaken with age, so does the diaphragm. It’s also a muscle that commonly functions incorrectly especially in stressful situations. 😤

1️⃣The photo on the left shows the use of a theraband wrapped around the rib cage to give feedback and feel the sensation of the lungs filling up sideways and into the back of the rib cage on the inhale, and deflating on the exhale. This type of breath is energizing. 🤸‍♂️🏋️‍♂️

2️⃣The photo on the right shows a hand 🖐on the chest and a hand🖐on the belly to give feedback of the belly expanding on the inhale and the chest quiet on the exhale. This type of breathing is calming. Quite often we get this one backwards and expand the chest in the inhale instead of the belly. 


Take time throughout the day to focus on your breathing and strengthen your diaphragm. It can be done anywhere and no equipment required! 💨💨
