6 Things Only Savvy Seniors Know About Staying Healthy and Strong

Article by Sheila Olson

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Photo via Pixabay

Keeping fit and healthy as you age is daunting. With every source claiming you need to look out for your health, it can be frustrating trying to figure out what’s essential and what you can ignore. Beyond eating healthy, here are six things you can do to remain healthy and active throughout your golden years, brought to you by Pilates Boise.

Exercise for Safety

Many seniors mistakenly assume that physical activity is dangerous. But studies show that seniors who stay active have improved balance and therefore a lower fall risk. Exercise also increases your mobility, helps lower your blood pressure, and enhances your immune system. Mental health benefits are another perk—exercising can also help boost your mood, lower anxiety, and even aid in memory function.

Per Today’s Geriatric Medicine, 150 minutes of exercise each week is a healthy goal. When possible, choose low-impact exercises like water aerobics and swimming. Walking is also an excellent form of fitness if you are in good health. You don’t have to stick with outdoor exercises either. Plenty of seniors walk the mall, hit up the YMCA’s indoor pool, or enjoy a sweat session at their own home gym. If you are passionate about a sport, you can participate in team activities as well, but consult with your doctor to decide whether it’s safe to continue as you get older.

Although you may work out to help you avoid any falls, it’s important to prevent accidents in the first place. For example, it may be time to start finding professionals to handle tasks that are no longer safe for you to accomplish on your own. Gutter cleaning is one such task, but finding a pro to handle the job for you is easy, thanks to the internet. Use sites like Angi to find pros who specialize in cleaning gutters near me, and make sure you read reviews before committing.

Keep Socializing

Especially if you live on your own, your senior years can become very lonely. Socialization is essential for keeping you feeling good and getting out of the house. After all, relationships are just as meaningful during your golden years as they have been all your life.

Connect with others through clubs, senior community center events, classes, or volunteering. You may even find like-minded friends with the help of local apps and social media groups. AARP highlights friendships as the most crucial for your health and happiness. So while remaining close with family is ideal, friends should also remain a priority.

Visit Your Doctor Regularly (and Speak Up)

Most older adults should see their doctor at least once per year. If you have significant health issues, you may need more frequent support. Either way, maintaining a good relationship with your care team is vital for your health and happiness. Keep in mind, however, that Medicare only pays for an annual wellness visit, not a full physical.

The National Institute on Aging also highlights the importance of speaking up at your doctor visits. Being honest, asking questions, and taking notes during your appointments are all helpful tips for keeping communication clear.

Use Plan Benefits

Senior-oriented healthcare plans usually offer fitness and limited wellness programs. If you’re enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, you might have more benefits that you’d think, including an annual physical. If you’re not enrolled, think about looking for a plan that offers supplemental nutritional or wellness support.

Joining a fitness or wellness program may mean more opportunities for developing friendships. After all, staying fit with friends achieves two goals at once. Plus, you’re more likely to stick with your regimen if others keep you accountable.

Treat Your Skin, Too

Stress takes a toll on your body as well as your mind. One way to help reduce stress while caring for your body is to have regular massages and facials. The American Massage Therapy Association also recommends massage for osteoarthritis relief. It also highlights research which suggests a benefit for senior adults with Alzheimer’s disease who undergo routine massage therapy.

Try Out Technology

While navigating new technology can be a challenge, there are plenty of benefits to learning a few new tricks. For example, a grocery delivery service can make shopping easy without leaving home. You can access fresh food and prepare healthy meals in less time than it takes to walk the supermarket aisles.

Meal delivery services which provide prepared meals or cooking kits are another option. If you enjoy cooking, meal kits offer fresh ingredients in the right portions for one or two people. Full meal deliveries are often heat-and-eat and ensure balanced nutrition.

Growing older doesn’t mean you can’t stay healthy, energetic, and social. While your habits may change as you enter your golden years, there’s still plenty you can do to keep fit and enjoy life.