5 Tips to Help You Thrive at Any Age

Article by: Sheila Olson

Photo via Pexels

Many people think that your life has to slow down as you get older - but today, more and more seniors are embracing the idea of “active aging.” You can pick up new healthy habits and hobbies regardless of your age. For example, you can start building your strength and flexibility by taking classes at Pilates Boise! Here are a few ways you can pursue active aging to look and feel your best.

 Head Back to School

 No matter your age, you can always set new goals for yourself. There’s no limit on what you can achieve! For instance, maybe you were always interested in earning your master’s degree, but until recently, you didn’t have the time or money to make this commitment. But if you have the opportunity to go back to school now, you could choose an online program.

If you’re interested in furthering your career in business or transitioning into this field, you could explore online MBA programs. By going through an MBA program, you’ll learn about business management and strategy. You’ll also enhance your leadership skills and become more confident when it comes to self-assessment.

Exercise Regularly

 Even if you’ve never exercised regularly before, you can start today! By trying out different forms of exercise, you can figure out what kinds of workouts you genuinely enjoy. Workouts like yoga, swimming, or Pilates can benefit your whole body! Very Well Fit states that Pilates is an appropriate workout for all ages, and doing Pilates can help you increase your flexibility, improve your core strength, build your muscles, and even enhance your posture.

 Eat a Nutritious Diet

Eating a healthy diet is important at any age - but it’s especially crucial for people who are approaching their golden years. You may want to focus on foods that provide anti-aging benefits and help to protect against disease. For instance, Eating Well recommends eating lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, whole grains, and low-fat forms of protein like fish. You may also want to supplement with certain vitamins and minerals, but it’s always a good idea to check in with your doctor first. Ideally, you want your meals to look colorful - by “eating the rainbow,” you’ll get the nutrients you need!

 Take Vacations

 Everyone needs time to step away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and recharge. You’ve worked hard for decades, and now, it’s time to reward yourself for it. Whether you’re still in the workforce, or you’ve already retired, you should plan a well-deserved vacation - you’ve certainly earned it! Maybe you want to travel to a nearby state, or you’re ready to get out of your comfort zone and book an international trip. Either way, taking a vacation will help you feel truly revitalized.

 Spend Time Unplugged

 People of all ages spend lots of time online today. Maybe you’ve shifted to working remotely, or maybe you catch yourself spending long hours looking at screens even if you’ve left the workforce.

 As the years go on, you’ve probably realized that there are better ways to spend your time - but it can be tough to break away from this habit. Why not try taking a short break from the internet in order to start curbing your screen time? By “unplugging” from the internet for a few days, you can begin managing your time more efficiently.

Life does not cease to be fun or exciting at a certain age. From making healthy lifestyle changes to trying out new activities, you always have the chance to turn over a new leaf. By giving some of these ideas a try, you’ll be able to make the most of each passing year!

 Ready to commit to a fitness routine? Sign up for classes at Pilates Boise! Email us today at kelly@pilatesboise.com to get started.

Top 6 Health Habits and How to Stick With Them

Article by: Chelsea Lamb

Seeking to live a healthier life? By developing some easy-to-keep habits, you’ll be on the road to success and happier than ever with your progress. Pilates Boise has collected some of the best and most effective ways to get healthy:

 Change why you eat

The top way to affect your health directly is to change what you consume. Take some time to consider your habits. Do you eat when you’re hungry, or when you’re bored? Do you swing between sparse, rigid diets, and “relapses” with tasty bad-for-you treats? The best way to change your habits for the long haul is to understand them and break them down.

 Nutritionist Carrie Dennett, MPH, RDN, CD, recommends examining your relationship with food, which can lead to breakthroughs for changing your diet, like cutting out fast food at lunch or sugary creamer in your many cups of coffee.

Change what you eat

When you know why you do what you do, it’s simpler to adjust other elements of your diet equation. Research diet options, like keto or Mediterranean, to find one that works for your needs and lifestyle. Your public library can be an excellent resource for cookbooks and guides to changing your food mindset. Even small changes can add up, so find new ways to sneak in healthier alternatives and give yourself a boost.

Change how you shop

Grocery stores are designed to market sugary, sodium-laden snacks. Even the most diligent shoppers tend to give in to impulse buys, making every shopping trip a mistake waiting to happen. The easiest way to avoid this trap is to change where you shop; many local health food stores offer fresh produce, vast arrays of spices and seasonings, and even healthier versions of your favorite guilty pleasure. This intentional shopping can help you avoid the ice cream and keep your new habits well into the future.

 Consider supplements

Supplements are typically herbal compounds that can make an impact on your health, sleep, and waistline. Talk to an expert to see what would work best for you and the options you have at your disposal. They can decode the vitamins, amino acids, and oils that can help you get even healthier.

 Refresh you home

The pandemic has most of us living in a rut, to put it mildly. Our homes typically reflect our headspace, so it’s a good idea to blow off the cobwebs and rebuild some order to reflect your commitment to new habits. Try decluttering as you go, letting go of objects that you don’t need—or maybe even like. If you’ve found your space to be stifling, open up the windows and let a breeze carry out all of the negative vibes from your space. Light a candle, look over your success, and your other habits will follow this win.

Find new ways to move your body

From tending a garden outside to dancing with your kids, any kind of movement can add up as exercise. Instead of feeling guilty for not enjoying admittedly-dull gym routines, try video instructors of yoga, join a kickboxing gym, or take up rock climbing. Even something as simple as adding a walk around your neighborhood can make a big change in your health—and how you feel—so think up what makes you happy to move.

 There are tons of ways to make new habits to replace the old ones that are holding you down. There’s never been a better time to make new goals and recommit to your wellness. Even small changes can add up to big health improvements over time. Try a few suggestions that work for you—and don’t forget to celebrate your progress!

 Looking for an excellent way to move your body? Try Pilates Boise! Email kelly@pilatesboise.com to be added to the waitlist today.


6 Things Only Savvy Seniors Know About Staying Healthy and Strong

Article by Sheila Olson

Photo via Pixabay

Photo via Pixabay

Keeping fit and healthy as you age is daunting. With every source claiming you need to look out for your health, it can be frustrating trying to figure out what’s essential and what you can ignore. Beyond eating healthy, here are six things you can do to remain healthy and active throughout your golden years, brought to you by Pilates Boise.

Exercise for Safety

Many seniors mistakenly assume that physical activity is dangerous. But studies show that seniors who stay active have improved balance and therefore a lower fall risk. Exercise also increases your mobility, helps lower your blood pressure, and enhances your immune system. Mental health benefits are another perk—exercising can also help boost your mood, lower anxiety, and even aid in memory function.

Per Today’s Geriatric Medicine, 150 minutes of exercise each week is a healthy goal. When possible, choose low-impact exercises like water aerobics and swimming. Walking is also an excellent form of fitness if you are in good health. You don’t have to stick with outdoor exercises either. Plenty of seniors walk the mall, hit up the YMCA’s indoor pool, or enjoy a sweat session at their own home gym. If you are passionate about a sport, you can participate in team activities as well, but consult with your doctor to decide whether it’s safe to continue as you get older.

Although you may work out to help you avoid any falls, it’s important to prevent accidents in the first place. For example, it may be time to start finding professionals to handle tasks that are no longer safe for you to accomplish on your own. Gutter cleaning is one such task, but finding a pro to handle the job for you is easy, thanks to the internet. Use sites like Angi to find pros who specialize in cleaning gutters near me, and make sure you read reviews before committing.

Keep Socializing

Especially if you live on your own, your senior years can become very lonely. Socialization is essential for keeping you feeling good and getting out of the house. After all, relationships are just as meaningful during your golden years as they have been all your life.

Connect with others through clubs, senior community center events, classes, or volunteering. You may even find like-minded friends with the help of local apps and social media groups. AARP highlights friendships as the most crucial for your health and happiness. So while remaining close with family is ideal, friends should also remain a priority.

Visit Your Doctor Regularly (and Speak Up)

Most older adults should see their doctor at least once per year. If you have significant health issues, you may need more frequent support. Either way, maintaining a good relationship with your care team is vital for your health and happiness. Keep in mind, however, that Medicare only pays for an annual wellness visit, not a full physical.

The National Institute on Aging also highlights the importance of speaking up at your doctor visits. Being honest, asking questions, and taking notes during your appointments are all helpful tips for keeping communication clear.

Use Plan Benefits

Senior-oriented healthcare plans usually offer fitness and limited wellness programs. If you’re enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, you might have more benefits that you’d think, including an annual physical. If you’re not enrolled, think about looking for a plan that offers supplemental nutritional or wellness support.

Joining a fitness or wellness program may mean more opportunities for developing friendships. After all, staying fit with friends achieves two goals at once. Plus, you’re more likely to stick with your regimen if others keep you accountable.

Treat Your Skin, Too

Stress takes a toll on your body as well as your mind. One way to help reduce stress while caring for your body is to have regular massages and facials. The American Massage Therapy Association also recommends massage for osteoarthritis relief. It also highlights research which suggests a benefit for senior adults with Alzheimer’s disease who undergo routine massage therapy.

Try Out Technology

While navigating new technology can be a challenge, there are plenty of benefits to learning a few new tricks. For example, a grocery delivery service can make shopping easy without leaving home. You can access fresh food and prepare healthy meals in less time than it takes to walk the supermarket aisles.

Meal delivery services which provide prepared meals or cooking kits are another option. If you enjoy cooking, meal kits offer fresh ingredients in the right portions for one or two people. Full meal deliveries are often heat-and-eat and ensure balanced nutrition.

Growing older doesn’t mean you can’t stay healthy, energetic, and social. While your habits may change as you enter your golden years, there’s still plenty you can do to keep fit and enjoy life.

Look and Feel Younger by Optimizing Your Sleep Routine: 5 Effective Changes You Can Make Immediately

Article by Sheila Olson

When it comes to preventing the most common signs of aging, quality sleep is one of the best tools at your disposal. In fact, getting proper sleep on a consistent basis can keep your brain in shape, improve heart health, slow the development of wrinkles, help you maintain a healthy weight, and boost your immune system.

 However, as we get older, it can become a bit more challenging to get a good night’s rest for a number of reasons. If you’re looking to harness the benefits of sleep, Pilates Boise shares five ways that you can optimize your sleep routine immediately.

 Use the latest sleep tech.

Despite sounding somewhat counterintuitive, there are actually tech devices that can help you sleep better. While you are often advised to put away or turn off most pieces of technology before going to bed (more on this later), there are major exceptions to this rule.

For example, those who find it challenging to sleep without background noise should definitely consider purchasing quality speakers for the bedroom. Not only can you use these speakers at other times of the day, but in the evening, you can stream soothing music or background noises that you find most comforting. This can include everything from rainstorm sounds to quiet piano music. Additionally, you can use the Philips SmartSleep Connected Sleep and Wake-up Therapy Lamp Light, which learns your sleep patterns and wakes you up with soothing light.

 Turn your bedroom temperature down.

 Whether you get cold easily or want to save on energy bills, you should definitely make an exception to keeping your house warm when bedtime approaches. Researchers have found that keeping your bedroom between 60 degrees and 67 degrees is ideal for achieving the best possible quality of sleep. You will be more likely to fall asleep and stay asleep when your bedroom is kept cool.

 Put away your phone and tablet before bed.

 Again, you’ve likely heard it many times before: Being on your phone or tablet before bed can cause major disruptions to your sleep patterns. The blue light emitted from these devices inhibits the production of melatonin (the sleep hormone) and essentially keeps your brain turned on, making it incredibly challenging to fall asleep.

 If you find it tough to resist digital devices before bed, consider designing a new evening routine that centers around sleep-supporting activities, such as meditation, deep breathing, listening to calming music, or taking a hot bubble bath. Aim to power down phones, tablets, and televisions at least an hour before bed.

 Invest in quality sheets/pillowcases.

 Having quality sheets and pillowcases can do wonders for your comfort levels at bedtime. Additionally, certain pillowcases (such as those made out of silk) are said to have anti-aging benefits for your face. Research various sheet/pillowcase brands to find ones that best suit your needs and preferences.

 Use a light-blocking sleep mask and curtains.

 Finally, do everything that you can to block light in your bedroom. This includes using curtains to block out light from the outside and a quality sleep mask to filter all indoor light sources. Since light is one of the most disruptive elements in achieving a good night’s rest, strive to make your room as dark as possible.

 Even if you have difficulties falling and staying asleep, these recommendations are sure to improve your sleep quality to some degree. After several weeks of quality sleep, you’ll start to experience noticeable benefits in your health and appearance.

 Experience all of the benefits of a Pilates workout at Pilates Boise. Check out schedules and pricing here.

Daily Dose of Sunshine

Sunlight is a vital element for human health and well-being. The sun regulates our internal clock known as our circadian rhythm which helps regulate sleep.

When light hits the retina in your eyes, it triggers hormones that improve mood and sleep. The spectrum of light can determine whether your brain perceives that it is time to be awake or asleep.

Early morning sunlight triggers melatonin production for sleep at night. Getting about 30 minutes of sunlight between 6 and 8:30 am is ideal.

Artificial light from our devices in the evening tells the brain it’s not time to sleep yet. Staying away from screens a minimum of an hour before bed will help. Dimming the lights as the sun sets and wearing blue blocking glasses will also help signal the brain that it is time to wind down.

Additional benefits from sunlight include Vitamin D production, improvement of mitochondrial function, and eye health. Of course there is a down side to sunlight if we are over exposed. As with most things, moderation is key!
