Daily Dose of Sunshine

Sunlight is a vital element for human health and well-being. The sun regulates our internal clock known as our circadian rhythm which helps regulate sleep.

When light hits the retina in your eyes, it triggers hormones that improve mood and sleep. The spectrum of light can determine whether your brain perceives that it is time to be awake or asleep.

Early morning sunlight triggers melatonin production for sleep at night. Getting about 30 minutes of sunlight between 6 and 8:30 am is ideal.

Artificial light from our devices in the evening tells the brain it’s not time to sleep yet. Staying away from screens a minimum of an hour before bed will help. Dimming the lights as the sun sets and wearing blue blocking glasses will also help signal the brain that it is time to wind down.

Additional benefits from sunlight include Vitamin D production, improvement of mitochondrial function, and eye health. Of course there is a down side to sunlight if we are over exposed. As with most things, moderation is key!
