Gardening for the Active Aging Adult

Gardening is a favorite activity of many active ageing adults. Benefits of gardening include:

  • Spending time in nature and outdoors

  • Physical and mental engagement

  • Healthy organic produce to eat

  • Cost-efficient food source

When in your garden and working at ground level, practice working in a squat. This can enhance hip and ankle mobility which can help reduce hip, low-back, and knee pain. The importance of keeping these joints mobile as we age can’t be overstated! It takes more commitment and focus to maintain your mobility as you age, but you’ll be glad you put in the work in the long run!


Pilates for Active Aging

If you are age 50 or above, you may have noticed some recent changes in the range of motion of your joints and spine, your flexibility and your balance.

The active aging body still has many good years of movement left, however there are things we can do to make those years the best and most enjoyable years of our lives.

You may have been diagnosed with arthritis, osteoporosis, or osteopenia, and workout programs that served you when you were younger, are no longer a good fit.

Pilates can be a perfect movement transition from some of the other programs that can lead to injury for the active aging community. Pilates is so adaptable, it can be utilized for people in rehab to elite athletes. You may find that the Pilates method will leave you feeling stronger than ever in all the right places.

If your goal is to improve and maintain your mobility as you age so you can enjoy all the activities that you love to do, then Pilates is absolutely worth a try!